Goodbye HK, Hello UK
前日英國報紙《The Sun》獨家報導一位42歲嘅女士Sammi Mai聲稱之前同老公去Bath旅行,去到當地Waitrose超市買嘢嘅時候彎低身睇嘢,忽然間有個椰菜花由四尺高(佢話嘅)跌落佢個頭度,令佢即時暈咗。
不過呢位女士應該好唔滿意,所以今日仲上電視台接受訪問,話個椰菜花令佢工作唔到,經常頭痛頭暈之如此類,直情話摧毀咗人生("It's ruining my life"),覺得Waitrose嗰£25禮券係對佢嘅侮辱。
#碰椰菜花黨 'still suffering' after being knocked out by a cauliflower while grocery shopping
A grocery shopper in the United Kingdom was reportedly knocked unconscious after a discounted cauliflower fell on her head.
Sammi Mai, a resident of Kingston-upon-Thames, England, told GB News that she was recently browsing a discount rack at a Waitrose grocery store in Bath when the vegetable hit the back of her head.
"Suddenly a really large and heavy item fell down on the top of my head, and hit my head," the shopper recalled. "I fell and when I woke up, I was suffering [from a] concussion and was knocked out."
Cauliflowers tend to weigh around two pounds, and Mai says the brassica fell between four and six feet before hitting her head.